Absolute Pitch
Absolute Pitch (AP) is the ability that some people have to perceive or produce a specific musical tone without any reference to an external standard. There are at least two
Absolute Pitch (AP) is the ability that some people have to perceive or produce a specific musical tone without any reference to an external standard. There are at least two
Patients with ASD suffer from a neurological developmental disorder; these patients exhibit difficulties in communication, repetition of phrases (echolalia), and repetitive movements (stereotypies). Not all patients exhibit the same symptoms
Williams syndrome occurs when there is a deletion of genes 25 to 27 on chromosome 7, affecting approximately 1 in every 20,000 newborns. Patients exhibit distinctive facial features, mild to
There are several disorders related to musical perception, such as congenital amusia (“lacking music”). Amusia refers to a variety of disorders that prevent recognizing or reproducing musical tones or rhythms.
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