We have over 2500 samples preserved at -80ºC, the result of the sampling effort carried out during the editions of the Sensogenoma22 experimental concerts and research projects such as EUTERPE_adn. These samples represent the general population (healthy) and populations with specific biological conditions, such as Alzheimer’s and other dementias, neurodegenerative diseases, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), brain damage, Down syndrome, hearing and visual impairments, etc.
The biological samples are collected immediately before and after the musical stimulus, appropriately labeled and pseudonymized. The samples are stored in dry ice after collection and transferred to -80ºC freezers within no more than 12 hours. Once stored at this temperature, the samples can be preserved for decades until processing. In our laboratories at the Institute of Health Research (IDIS), we have the capacity to store thousands of samples in -80ºC freezers. Currently, we have stored and processed saliva samples (collected with a buccal swab in Oragene kits) and capillary blood samples.
For all these samples, we have donor metadata that allows us to conduct genomic studies using relevant data such as sex, age, musical training, etc. All data are tabulated in a computerized system that facilitates the use of study variables along with the sequencing data.